Click Here For Info on Group Sales
Oak Park Festival Theatre would love for your group to join us for a performance!
Group tickets may be purchased in three ways:
- Call our Box Office at (708) 300-9396 ext 101
- Email us at
- Or purchase online! When selecting your ticket type, scroll down below the General Admission tickets in the list to find the group rates.
- 2022- Winters Tale Group Sales Flyer
“It is required you do awake your faith…”
Paulina, Act V, iii
“[The Winter’s Tale] the play attains a dream-like wonderment or nightmarish horror, its fairy-tale vision of courtly intrigue and pastoral idyll melding into the beautiful wooded setting of Oak Park’s Austin Gardens.”
-NewCity Chicago
“The Winter’s Tale is a fascinating drama that feels modern. We are fortunate to have such talented thespians in our community who bring us new takes on somewhat forgotten classics. It’s a tight production that rides like a roller coaster of emotion.”
-The Wednesday Journal
“Certainly, this joyous production gives us hope of many more productions to come.”
-Chicago Reader
This production would not be possible without the generosity of our season sponsors Nancy Clark and Paula & Ed Goedert
Returning LIVE! in Austin Gardens, Oak Park, IL
Performances at 167 Forest Ave in Oak Park, IL
Performances July 16-August 20
Thursdays – Saturdays (offered with Open Captions) 8pm,
Sundays 7 PM
General admission tickets are $38. Senior and student discounts are available, and children under 12 are free.
Active Adults receive 50% discount with proof of membership
“When the leader of your country believes in nonsense, rejects facts and evidence and simply acts in his own blinkered self-interest at all times (regardless of what science, his closest advisors and the actual facts dictate), the country suffers. The people are disheartened. The entire society is imperiled.
Such is the world in which we find ourselves at the beginning of “The Winter’s Tale.”
Happily, though the play begins in a very dark place, The Winter’s Tale (unlike many of Shakespeare’s heavier works) conveys in the end a message of hope. In this play, redemption and forgiveness are possible. Not guaranteed but…possible.
In The Winter’s Tale, lessons are learned, balance is restored and love – at last – triumphs.
And while we may not live in that world at this moment, if there was ever a time for us to be assured that there is a bright new day dawning and that there is reason to hope for the future…
….it is right now.”
DIRECTOR OF The Winter’s Tale
More information about the show
Weather Policy
Weather in the Midwest can change at a moment’s notice. We monitor the weather daily. If light rain is in the forecast, we may choose to continue with our performance. If a show is canceled due to severe weather, you will receive an email 2 hours before the designated curtain. Please be aware that the decision to cancel a show due to severe weather is never made before 5pm on the day of the performance.
If the show is cancelled due to weather, your ticket will automatically become a raincheck valid for any of the remaining performances.
COVID Policy
In line with the recommendations of Oak Park Health Department, we recommend all groups to distance themselves from anyone outside of their immediate bubble. Masks recommend when not actively eating or drinking – especially for audience members sitting closest to the stage, or any time you leave your seat. While COVID is less likely to spread outdoors, it is still possible to spread COVID outdoors
Group Tickets
Oak Park Festival Theatre would love for your group to join us for a performance! Group tickets may be purchased through our regular ticket site – scroll down below the general admission ticket – or you may contact us at
Become a Donor
Oak Park Festival Theatre has survived for the past 47 years thanks to the generosity of our friends and neighbors. While we are pained by the November 2021 fire in our offices, our community stepped up to help us overcome and rebuild.
(L to R) LEONTES: Mark Lancaster^, HERMIONE: Rebecca Swislow*, POLIXENES: David Gordon-Johnson, MAMILLIUS/PERDITA: Georgia Dib, CAMILLO: North Rory Homewood, AUTOLYCUS/ANTIGONES: Brian Rooney, PAULINA: Barbara Zahora^*, LORD/ENSEMBLE: Carlos Wagener-Sobrero, EMILIA/SHEPHERDESS: Claire Yearman, TIME/OFFICER/ENSEMBLE: Song Marshall, SHEPHERDESS’ SON/CLEOMENES/ENSEMBLE: Dylan Baxter, FLORIZEL/DION: Brian Bradford, GENTLEWOMAN/ENSEMBLE: Dina Perez, US LEONTES: Chris Grella, US POLIXENES: James Hendley, and US PAULINA: Mary Eliza Willingham
^ OPFT Artistic Associate, * Member of Actors Equity Association
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